Prime Factors Kata in C#

The Prime Factors Kata, initially sparked by the infamous Uncle Bob Martin, is about finding an arbitrary number’s prime factors. This is my attempt to show what you can do with the C# language in terms of dynamism and when you know the frameworks really well. Are you new to the concept of code kata... [More]

ReSharper templates from the Code Kata Cast

resharper import template

After I posted my Code Kata Cast I received some feedback regarding the ReSharper templates I use to speed up my coding. I decided to share them with the public. After I posted my Code Kata Cast I received some feedback regarding the ReSharper templates I use to speed up my coding. I decided to shar... [More]

Syntax Highlighter Release 0.2 Beta

Thanks to a great deal of interest on my post on syntax highlighting in BlogEngine.NET a while ago I'm now releasing a new version. It is based on the version that ships with BlogEngine.NET but it has been augmented as well as refactored to support more language elements like types in C#. The code f... [More]
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.