I've been working to get my head around the Model-View-Presenter pattern and I've focused primarily on a Winforms scenario. As it turns out there are numerous sources out there on MVP, some of which are focused on Winforms, e.g. [2, 8] and some which are not focused on Winforms but highly valuable just the same, e.g. [1, 4].
Figure A. Screen mock up
However, none of the referenced sources discusses the issue of communication between MVP triads. All of them thoroughly discusses the ins and outs when you have a single presenter talking to a single view and a single model, but nothing about communicating with other MVP sets. I've also found that other people are also struggling with this problem and how to best solve it but no really good solution has presented itself.
The problem
Well, we start with an example to formulate the problem. If we look at the example of the humble dialog [8] this only covers a single triad so we make it slightly more complicated. We have two views, a parent view and a dialog view, and each view has an associated presenter, i.e. parent presenter and dialog presenter. Now, the requirement is that when a user clicks a button on the main view the dialog should pop up modally giving the user the possibility to change a property value. The value change should then be reflected in the parent view. Sounds simple enough, right?
The problem is to implement this leveraging the MVP pattern to achieve a loosely coupled, highly cohesive, and test friendly solution. Some of the questions are; who has the responsibility to create the dialog view, who has the responsibility to show the view, what is the result from the dialog view and who should act on it.
MVP Solution
There are many different ways we can go about doing this but since I'm into Test-Driven Development I'm gonna do it test first. I also like to do UI up front so I create a Winforms project in Visual Studio and start dragging and dropping. The simplest possible screens are shown in figure A.
OK, now let's start with our first test. We want the dialog to appear when the "Edit user name" button is clicked and following MVP the view should simply pass on control to its presenter. The parent presenter should then have the dialog view popping up. This is the first test using Rhino Mocks [3]:
public void ParentPresenter_EditUsername_should_open_a_dialog() {
var view = mockery.DynamicMock();
var dialogPresenter = mockery.CreateMock();
using (mockery.Record()) {
using (mockery.Playback()) {
var presenter = new ParentPresenter(view)
DialogPresenter = dialogPresenter
The parent presenter should simply pass the control to the presenter of the dialog. Thus, the parent presenter has a dependency on the presenter of the dialog and the dependency is injected through a property:
var presenter = new ParentPresenter(view)
DialogPresenter = dialogPresenter
Now, these interfaces and classes doesn't exists so first we have to create them. But before we do I see some code that has no test, namely dialogPresenter.Load(), so let's write another test:
public void DialogPresenter_Load_should_call_show_on_view() {
var view = mockery.DynamicMock();
using (mockery.Record()) {
using (mockery.Playback()) {
var presenter = new DialogPresenter(view);
So, the presenter simply tells the view to show itself. Remember that we're talking to an interface and that the view in the test is not the real implementation. We're only driving out the behavior of the presenter at this point but we're doing it in such a way that the view implementation should be as thin a possible.
Code generation
I'm using ReSharper [7] to generate the interfaces and classes that I dreamed up in the tests.
More testing
When the initial tests are passing let's move on. The next thing that should happen is the user providing a new user name in the dialog and clicks on OK. So lets write a test for the OK event. I realize that some refactoring is also in place:
public void DialogPresenter_ChangeName_should_change_value_and_close_dialog() {
var model = mockery.CreateMock();
var callBack = mockery.CreateMock();
var expectedName = "foo";
using (mockery.Record()) {
using (mockery.Playback()) {
IDialogPresenter presenter = new DialogPresenter(dialogView)
Model = model
presenter.NameChanged += callBack;
Assert.That(model.Name, Is.EqualTo(expectedName));
Passive view and Observer synchronization
The last requirement states that the user name change should be reflected in the parent view. There are a couple of ways to do this but in this example I'm gonna go with the Observer synchronization [6] strategy because it provides a nice separation of concerns and is easy enough to mock. Note, however, that it is the presenter which acts as the Observable, not the domain object itself (User in this case). This is because I do not want to polute the domain model with event code. The previous test verified that a callback method is called whenever the name in the dialog is changed. Now, the parent presenter only has to hook up an event handler to the dialog presenter's event. Our next test shoes what should happen in the parent presenter when the event is triggered:
public void ParentPresenter_Update_should_update_view() {
var model = new User {Name = "foo"};
using (mockery.Record()) {
Expect.Call(parentView.Username = "foo");
using (mockery.Playback()) {
var presenter = new ParentPresenter(parentView)
Model = model
So, the presenter explicitly tells the view what to do. The parent view is an example of a Passive view [5]. The presenter's code is included below for completeness:
// Parent Presenter
public class ParentPresenter {
private readonly IParentView view;
public ParentPresenter(IParentView view) {
this.view = view;
this.view.Presenter = this;
Model = new User();
DialogPresenter = new DialogPresenter(new DialogView())
Model = Model
DialogPresenter.NameChanged += Update;
public IDialogPresenter DialogPresenter { get; set; }
public User Model { get; set; }
public void Load() {
public void EditValue() {
public void Update() {
view.Username = Model.Name;
// Dialog Presenter
public class DialogPresenter : IDialogPresenter {
public event Action NameChanged;
private readonly IDialogView view;
public DialogPresenter(IDialogView view) {
this.view = view;
this.view.Presenter = this;
public User Model { get; set; }
public virtual void Load() {
public void EditName() {
Model.Name = view.Username;
if (NameChanged != null)
And then the view implementation which is as minimalistic as possible:
// Parent View
public partial class ParentView : Form, IParentView {
public ParentView() {
public ParentPresenter Presenter { private get; set; }
public string Username {
set { username.Text = value; }
void IParentView.Show() {
private void editValueButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Dialog View
public partial class DialogView : Form, IDialogView {
public DialogView() {
public IDialogPresenter Presenter { private get; set; }
public string Username {
get { return nameTextBox.Text; }
void IDialogView.Show() {
void IDialogView.Close() {
private void acceptButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
The way the MVP parts are separated makes a UI with allmost 100% test coverage but above all the UI logic is in a separate class which is not tied to a frame, thus enabling us to discover duplicated code and oportunities to refactor and keep the UI maintainable. I think that this is a great way of driving out a design since I start out with the client hat on and not the other way around were I first list a bunch of methods and properties on a class. IMO this kind of interaction based testing really lends itself to driving out interaction design, and tools like ReSharper really makes the developer experience pleasant and productive.
[1] Jean-Paul Boodhoo. Design Patterns: Model View Presenter
[2] Dan Bunea. Model View Presenter - is testing the presenter enough
[3] Oren Eini. Rhino Mocks - dynamic mocking framework
[4] Michael Feathers. The Humble Dialog Box
[5] Martin Fowler. Passive View
[6] Martin Fowler. Observer Synchronization
[7] JetBrains. ReSharper
[8] Jeremy Miller. A Simple Example of the "Humble Dialog Box"